Hey again guys!
I hope you all liked my poem! I really enjoyed writing it. I'm hopeful I'll be able to close the poll this Saturday, and write another one for you. It was a nice day today, even though it rained. I must have put on my nice waterproof pants this morning without realizing. i woke up late and had to grab the first thing I could to get to class on time. The clouds were rolling in last night, but I must have forgot, because I didn't grab my umbrella on the way to school. But it was fine, I didn't get very wet, and everyone else was dry when I cam in. They probably all drove. Anyways, I'm gonna head out, I've got some new games I wanna try playing. I also need to take a warm bath. My muscles are really sore. Practice was tough today. "What practice Rowan?" Well, I'm glad you ask. Not many poets playing sports, but I play Ultimate Frisbee! I was surprised my school had a team, and I didn't hesitate in joining. These people are crazy though, practicing in shorts and a T-shirt even with the rain. I had a jacket on, so I was fine, but boy was it cold.
Alright, chat later. I'll be trying to post at least once every day, usually in the evenings, so make sure to stay tuned!