Well, work starts tomorrow. I'm excited but also not. I'm working as a spring break counselor, because luckilY my scHool break lines up with other schools. So I won't be able to Post dUring the days. However, hopefullY I'll be able to put the poll for next poem up on Tuesday.
OtHer than that, nothing much haPpened today. I'm getting a bit sick of this rain. I went and visited my grandparents today. They are doing alright, but didn't have any complaints aboUt the weather. Y'all must have checked the forecast wheN you decided to make me write that poem. It's a bit unsettling. I have no homework over the break, which I'm grateful for. I think I'll inVite my friend over next weekend thougH, I Don't think I've seen Him in a while. It'll be Fun!
Ok, talk to you guys again tomorrow!
i am also here
testing :D