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Daily check in #4

Updated: 6 days ago

I'm so close. It's almost Friday!!! I only have one day of work left before the weekend! I'm so excited, I'm hopefully going to relax all weekend. Gonna sleep in. Get my energy back before next week. I'm excited tomorrow for this new poem. It looked like it was tied up earlier, but now it seems the votes tipped over to one side.

A quick note to SarKobr, who replied to my post yesterday. I have been hoping for a sunny day, but so far no luck. I still see no point personally in checking the forecast, as I can obviously just look outside. Why would I need to have someone else tell me what I already know.

Looking like Hidden is going to win, which might be cool.

I don't know that I'm going to try to fill up the book this year. I'm hoping to keep it for a while. Try to make it last for a while you know?

I bought some generic ink at a store, and I am using an old calligraphy pen that I have had for a while. I thought why not honor this old book with older ways of writing.

Alright, I'm going to sign off for today. Talk to you guys again tomorrow.



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1 Comment

7 days ago

sorry to tell you but ur dillusional XD LOL

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